Annual Public Meeting on Wednesday, December 4th, 2024

Info to come……….

Annual Public Meeting on Saturday, December 2nd, 2023

The Annual Public Meeting of the O’Brien Memorial Library was held on Dec. 2, 2023 at 1:00pm at the Upper McKenzie Community Center (UMCC) and also via Zoom. Seven board members and eight guests were in attendance. We appreciate the support of all.

The loss of several key people were remembered for their commitment and service to the library; Sharon Leighty, grant writer, Priscilla Oxley, OML President, Barbara McConnell, volunteer coordinator and Sue O’Brien, supporter and granddaughter of founders, Frances and Orel O’Brien. Due to the loss of our late president, Priscilla Oxley, several positions changed this year. Current officers are President Connie Richardson, Vice-President Larissa Andrews, Treasurer Aidan Wilson and Secretary Sherry Widdoes. Other board members include Beverly Braun, Sandra Angle and John Witte. After the annual vote, these officers and board members will continue to serve as the Board of Directors in 2024.

We were informed of a well on one of the purchased properties. Through work with McKenzie Valley Pump, a new pump will be installed in the fall and used for irrigation in our outdoor education garden. This was an unexpected bonus.

The library had several opportunities throughout this year to highlight its history in the news through KVAL, KEZI, Eugene Weekly, River Reflections and radio KLCC interviews.

There is strong community support for the library rebuild. The library continues to offer books, DVDs, Ebooks, audio books, patron computers, phone, online catalog, summer reading program, books sales and committed volunteers five days a week at our temporary site at the UMCC.

We signed an agreement with contractor Charlie McClain/McClain Construction of Eugene to build the new library at Dexter St. and Blue River Dr. on October 10, 2023. We had our Ground Breaking Ceremony on Oct. 27, 2023 and construction was started the first week in Nov. by McClain Construction. You can follow the construction on our website at

We are grateful for the generous grants and funds received from large foundations as well as the continued donations made by supportive and committed individuals in our McKenzie Community and beyond. You are a part of making Frances’s library for the community dream come true. Determination, inspiration and commitment continue to reign.

We look forward to our Grand Opening in the fall and the 2024 annual meeting at the new Brien Memorial Library in Blue River, OR.

Annual Public Meeting, November 9th, 2022

The O’Brien Memorial Library held its Annual Public meeting on November 9th @ 6:00pm at the Upper Mckenzie Community Center.

We continue to provide library services from our temporary location at the Upper McKenzie Community Center. Work has continued throughout this year to rebuild. The library has been working with PIVOT Architecture to design plans. At this meeting we shared continued plans and progress towards starting our rebuild. Our plan is Phase 1 building and then Phase 2 outdoor & garden space. Building is an expensive process. Grants and funds are still being sought out by our grant writer.

We hope to break ground early 2023. Many things have been accomplished since opening the temporary library.

We now offer Ebooks and over 3,000 physical books in our library. Positive additions to our current library include a phone, bathrooms, computer access, and printing capabilities. We have a new vibrant social media presence with a functional website, Ebooks, audiobooks, and online catalog.

An annual vote was taken to decide our Board of Directors for the next year. We thanked all of our donors and volunteers. Without these businesses and people we couldn’t run our library.

Our hope is that we can hold our Annual Meeting next year in our new library! All who attended were thanked for their time.

Annual Public Meeting, December 8, 2021

Dear Friends of the O'Brien Memorial Library,

We held our Annual Public Meeting on Wednesday, December 8, 2021.

The Holiday Farm Fire destroyed our library but not our commitment.

We are now providing library services at our temporary location in the Upper McKenzie Community Center.

We have been working since last year towards building a new, larger library in Blue River.

At this meeting we shared our plans for the new library and the new services that will be available.

We now have updated Bylaws and have voted in our Board of Directors and Officers for next year.

We THANK all that attended.

Priscilla Oxley, President of the Board of Directors, O'Brien Memorial Library