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The O’Brien Memorial Library is finally OPEN in our newly rebuilt location.
You can visit us at 51771 Blue River Dr, Blue River Oregon
Hours Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 11am-5pm Wednesdays 11am-7pm Closed Sunday, Monday

Storytime has returned
Mark Mitchell
Gallery Wall and Art Talk
Mark Mitchell works as a grant manager during the day, but is also an aspiring artist in his spare time. He is a fourth generation McKenzie Valley resident currently restoring the A frame cabin his grandparents built by hand in 1974 in McKenzie Bridge. His grandparents taught Norwegian rosemaling during their retirement years. Mark’s mother also lived in the family cabin from 200-2010. She was an avid painter and taught china painting. The three of them inspired Mark’s love of nature and art. Mark spent several summers growing up visiting his grandparents in Oregon and has looked forward to when he was finally able to move here in September 2022. Since he arrived Mark has been donating paintings to McKenzie Valley organizations. Mark paints landscapes and portraits, but especially enjoys painting flowers and birds from his own photos.
Mark’s Art Talk is scheduled for Saturday, February 15th at 1:30.
Did you know you can use Libraries of Oregon to browse over 45 databases
Libraries of Oregon is a joint effort by the State Library of Oregon and Oregon State University Libraries to connect Oregonians with libraries and online resources around the state.
These online resources can be used to find full text articles from magazines, journals, and newspapers, as well as reference ebooks, videos, images, and more.
All Oregon residents have access to online resources provided by the State Library of Oregon.
WIFI is available for use while visiting the library or if we are closed, outside of the library.